Sunday, August 3, 2008

even if he doesn't

So, I'm feeling a little anxious. It probably has a lot to do with Kyle being out of town AGAIN and the a/c going out in my house. But, there are other issues too.

Last week, or maybe two weeks ago, I studied Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego during my Bible study. Now those guys have amazing faith. They truly believed that God could save them from the fiery furnace, but even if He didn't, then they were still going to believe and worship God Almighty. That's big faith.

Anyone out there who reads my blog regularly knows that there are things that have gone on in my life that make me wonder about faith, just like any normal person who faces challenges. I am really excited that my faith seems to be growing and increasing. I truly believe that's an answer to prayer. But that whole part from Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego--the line about "even if he doesn't"--that is overwhelmingly difficult for me to pray. But, I'm getting there. Even if he doesn't, I will still trust. Even if he doesn't, I will still be faithful. Even if he doesn't, I will still worship.


Kristy said...

Oh my goodness! Our a/c went out last summer - it was dreadful. If you need to come over to cool off, please do! We'd love to have you!

Spielmaster (aka Quiet Traveler) said...

Your heart is beautiful, Jessica.