Sunday, January 6, 2008

Late Night

I really should be asleep right now. I've got school tomorrow, and I still need to finalize some plans in my head. The last thing I should be doing right now is blogging. But, I'm doing it anyway.

Today as Kyle and I were driving home from church we turned on the air conditioner. We were in my car, and normally the ac turns on immediately with cold air. Today, however, the ac made a funny noise and never completely cooled down. We think that there must be a problem. Now I don't know anything about cars, so it could be something as simple as putting freon in the car, or it could be more complicated. I'm not sure. The thing that I thought was wonderful, though, was that it's January, and we have a problem with the ac in our car. It's a problem that doesn't have to be fixed now. We can budget it in and fix it around March or so. Normally I would be, well, not in a panic, but a little nervous and stressed about how we would pay for a car repair. This time I was able to see that God is taking care of us with this car repair. It could have happened in the middle of the summer, but it happened in winter. So I am thankful that I have an ac problem.

Today at church Keith said that it's a big deal for us to be able to go through dark times and still know that we have a good God. Now our car problem is not a dark time. It's just an inconvenience. But the other things that have happened this year have been dark. But even during the seemingly hopeless points, I knew and I still know that my God is good and that I can trust him. When I have had flashes of pain and hurt and grief, Kyle has reminded me that God is a good God. The song "You Are God Alone" says, "And right now in the good times and bad You are on Your throne. You are God alone." That is true. Today is not a bad time. God is still in control. Three months ago during the miscarriage was a bad time. God was in control. Six months ago in St. John was an incredible time. God was in control. One month ago during the death of two friends was a hard time. God was in control. Who knows what one month, three months, or six months from now will be like. But God is in control. And He is good. And He has always, always been faithful. He has never given me any reason to doubt Him. Even if we go through the death of another friend or a baby, God is still faithful in those times. Even if we have an awesome year full of great things, God is still faithful in those times. In all that happens, He is in control. We live for His glory.

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