Saturday, April 5, 2008

due date

Today's the day.

My friend Jennifer is here, so that is keeping me busy and keeping my mind off of it. But it's always there in the back of my mind, something that will never go away. I did cry last night. I was alone in my car picking up a pizza and remembered that the day before the D and C we had picked up a pizza from Mama's. Now the night before my due date I was picking up a pizza from the same place. It's weird how little things like that will have an effect on you.

However, God is good. He knows my heart. He loves me; I am His child. I'm reminded right now of the verses in Matthew and Luke that talk about how an earthly father wouldn't give his child a stone if he asked for bread or a snake if he asked for fish, so how much more our heavenly Father knows how to give us good gifts, the Holy Spirit. Having the presence of God with me all the time is an incredible, priceless gift. So even when the sky is gray and storm clouds are building, I have my God. Even when the damage left by the storm is severe, I have my God. Even when the damage seems unrepairable, that's right, I have my God.

He will never leave me or forsake me. He is with me always. I hope that you, reader of this blog, know this God that never abandons. I hope that you have met this Savior that is the source of hope. I hope that you will know the love of a Heavenly Father that is greater than any love you will ever give or receive from someone on this earth.

Sometimes the best thing I can do is give up on trying to put the pieces back together. I'll let the Creator of the puzzle do that.


Anonymous said...

Just want you to know we are thinking about you guys. We love you and are sending hugs your way.

Wade & Lisa

Kelli said...

I love you and am praying for extra comfort for you and Kyle today! I'm glad that your friend is here with you. God really reminded me this weekend of the importance of friends even as I still grieve for Angela, he has blessed me with other friends (like you) who God has called me into fellowship with. So, I'm so happy that you have that this weekend as a physical reminder that you and Kyle are not in this alone! We love you!

Anonymous said...

Still praying for you and Kyle.
~An old friend