My friend Kelli Bishop tagged me. So, I guess I have to fill this out. Normally I don't do things like this, but since it's about Kyle, I think I'll probably enjoy it. My answers probably won't be as sweet as Kelli's were about Ryan. I'm a little sleepy right now, so I'm having a hard time concentrating. It was good to see them on Friday. Hopefully they'll come back and visit soon, or we'll head up to Louisville to visit.
1. Who is your man? Aaron Kyle Walker. He goes by the name Kyle.
2. How long have you been together? Well, if you count dating, then five years, three months, and five days. If you are only counting marriage then four years, three months, and eighteen days.
3. How long did you date? We dated long distance for five months. We were only in the same town for three weeks.
4. How old is your man? Let's see, I'm 27, so Kyle's 28.
5. Who eats more? Well, I think at dinner and lunch Kyle eats more, but if we're talking snacks, then I'm the winner.
6. Who said "I love you" first? Kyle was the one, but I quickly followed within seconds.
7. Who is taller? Kyle is taller, but when I wear my four inch heels we're eye-to-eye.
8. Who sings better? I guess I would say I do. Unless we're talking who sings better in the shower or who sings the best in an obnoxious way. Then it would be Kyle. =)
9. Who is smarter? Ooh, Kyle would say I am, but he's smarter than me in a lot of ways.
10. Whose temper is worse? Probably me. Kyle thinks he has rage, but I never see it. He's too kind to be full of anger.
11. Who does the laundry? That would be Kyle, most of the time. He spoils me rotten.
12. Who takes out the garbage? That would be Kyle, again. I'm telling you, he spoils me.
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I'm on the right side if you're in the bed. But it's weird, that's only when we're at our house. If we go somewhere else, we might switch sides without even realizing it.
14. Who pays the bills? Since we started Dave Ramsey, we both do.
15. Who is better with the computer? My man. He's incredible.
16. Who mows the lawn? Kyle does. I am forever thankful for that, too.
17. Who cooks dinner? I cook dinner most of the time. Kyle does dishes. We make a great team.
18. Who drives when you are together? Kyle drives most of the time, especially at night.
19. Who pays when you go out? Probably me, only because I've been holding onto the cash envelopes lately. I paid most of the time when we were dating. I'm his sugar momma. =)
20. Who is most stubborn? I win, I win! I am absolutely the most stubborn person in my house! He didn't believe me before we got married, but now he knows!
21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? I wish it was me, but it's probably Kyle. Since I'm the stubborn one, and I think I'm always right, so I'm less likely to admit I'm wrong. I'm working on it, though.
22. Whose parents do you see the most? We are blessed enough to live about ten miles away from Kyle's parents. We see them more often just because of location.
23. Who kissed who first? Kyle asked me if he could kiss me, and of course I said yes. I had been waiting!
24. Who asked who out? Kyle asked me out.
25. Who proposed? Kyle asked me to marry him. It was all a complete surprise. I had no idea it was coming. I'm just very gullible.
26. Who is more sensitive? I get my feelings hurt more easily, but Kyle is more sensitive to the needs and hearts of others. He is amazing.
27. Who has more friends? Probably Kyle. He is very likeable, and he makes me look good.
28. Who has more siblings? Kyle has two brothers, and I only have one.
29. Who wears the pants in the family? Kyle, I hope. Especially when it comes to make major decisions. I'm so glad that he has to do it, not me!
30. What's your favorite thing about your man? I sound like I'm copying Kelli, but for Kyle it's true. I love the way he loves people. He is the type of person who genuinely cares about others and their needs. I also love his sense of humor. He makes me laugh more than anyone I know. There are so many more things that I love about Kyle. He's just steady for me. I'm so blessed that I get to spend the rest of my life with hm.
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Your husband sounds awesome. I bet he is really hot. And funny too. He just sounds like a great guy. Wow. Great job finding a husband like that.
I love it! It was so fun reading this. You and Kyle are such a great match, and we are tremendously blessed just to know you, let alone to call you friends.
We love y'all!!
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