Monday, October 8, 2007

Uneventful Evening

Tomorrow is my doctor's appointment. I'm a little nervous about what he is going to say or tell us. I'm also nervous about crying. The doctor is probably used to that, though. We'll see what he has to say. God's plan is right, no matter what. I can follow His plan even if it's not what I thought it would be. So, if anyone reads this tonight or tomorrow, please pray that all will go well. I still have hives, and we would like to see if we could visit an endocrinologist to have my thyroid checked out.

On a completely different note, Tony Romo has four interceptions so far in this Cowboys game. That's not good. I told Kyle that Romo's cocky enough to pull through, though. Kyle's pretty nervous right now. I can see him from where I'm sitting. He's just standing in front of the tv swaying back and forth. He'll start to raise his fist to be happy then put it down if the play doesn't turn out the way he wanted. He of course is wearing that Dallas Cowboys shirt. I have to get him a new one. He wears that thing every week. I am glad that he wears it, but some variety might help. I'll need to add more money to our clothes budget next month so I can get him a new shirt.

He's a good husband. I am so blessed. Not many people can say that about their spouse. He's just good to me. He shows me Jesus by the way he lives his life. That makes me love him more.


Kelli said...

I will pray for your appointment tomorrow, but all will go well. Remember - you CAN get pregnant. Your body just wasn't quite ready yet or God wasn't quite ready to let that one go yet. He is going to bless you and Kyle with a baby very soon, I just know it, and as hard as it seems, these feelings will fade and turn to blissfull happiness. They will never go completely away, but they will fade.

I love you both!

Bailey prayed for you and Kyle tonight and for God to give you another baby, so I'm SURE that you will be blessed very soon!

Kelli said...

Sweet Jessica, I'm sure your appointment will be very difficult, but we love you and will definitely be praying for you tomorrow.

On a lighter note, you've been tagged. If you want to participate, you can find out more on our blog. :)